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With Wee Nippers Early Childhood Centres in Invercargill and Mosgiel, the team at Wee Nippers Childcare is determined to create a fun, vibrant, caring family environment that children, their families and whānau look forward to being a part of every day that they are with us.


Wee Nippers provides a safe and healthy environment for children to grow and learn emotionally, cognitively and physically. Our comprehensive, balanced, flexible programme reflects the children’s interests in ways that are developmentally appropriate. Our Centres are new and purpose built inside and out. 

Every child is different and we respect their individual needs while working to create a Wee Nippers community. We aim to foster high self-esteem and respect for others while recognising every child’s strengths.

We provide children with a warm, supportive relationship with adults and recognise the importance of building nurturing relationships amongst staff, children and their family/whānau.

First and foremost, our professional educators are positive role models for Wee Nippers children. Ongoing professional support and development is provided to staff to ensure the continuation of high standards of care and education for your children.